Wednesday, 12 Feb 2025

Improving quality of life, development of tourism, sports and leisure activities, housing on water 

Waterways are an impulse to economic development in adjacent areas. This development is not taking place only in the sphere of industry, commerce and logistics services, and are not concentrated only in the port industrial zones. It also covers other activities, whatever their economic nature is obvious, the primary or only secondary. With some of them we see almost exclusively, or even exclusively on the waterways. This is primarily a sports and recreational activities associated with the water, ie water traffic - especially the tourist district of navigation, sailing, canoing and boating. For these activities, DOE may provide water - as well as other waterways - ideal conditions. Region through which it passes through the DOE are rich in history, heritage, nature and offers a unique holiday. During construction is calculated with the new recreational facilities (marinas, camps, hotels), which was built as part of Landscape Architecture. This facility would provide convenient access to water areas that form a water conduit, lakes and rivers. Development of recreational boating, visit waterworks, cycling along the waterways. It all will welcome the new elements of recreation and leisure activities for local residents. Tourism opens a new area. 

Waterways for Growth


Recreation, Camping 

At attractive locations along waterways (lakes, bays, beaches) have a new recreation facilities and support activities for navigation: Kamp, places for camping in the countryside, clubhouse, marina, hotel and restaurant services, service station for small boats, boat, etc. opportunities offered by water transport to help local economic growth by creating small businesses. Entrepreneurs and sports associations will certainly take this opportunity to expand the range of services and leisure activities in the regions.

Marína Labe - Píšťany

The first public marina on the lower Elbe opened in 2006 on Lake Žernoseky in the lovely surroundings of the České Středohoří region. It is a model example that show us how similar marinas might look at the water corridor Danube-Oder-Elbe.


Boat transport 

Specific categories of recreational use of waterways is a personal water transport that is not really traffic in the strict sense, but rather recreational services. The offer of this service is twofold. Either concerns hours sightseeing trips or even a few days or two to three week trips on European rivers and waterways.

Výletní loď na průplavu Rýn-Mohan-Dunaj 

Passenger ship on the Rhine-Main-Danube waterway


  1. Boating and sailing 

Water DOE will not be used for navigation only people living on its banks, but also water tourists from across Europe will lead to the development of shipping as a huge magnet. Recreation and sport sailing is an extremely popular activity throughout the world are millions of "water tourists. DOE will not only as the shortest path between Berlin and Vienna, but also a beautiful experience. Already during the construction of waterways is often remembered for the provision of basic assumptions of tourist exploitation. Arising from its bays suitable for the establishment of sports ports (marinas). Build the ramps for launching craft for water sports, and sometimes special locks for small-sized sport boats. On some of the old waterway lack of parameters that have lost their importance for commercial transport, is now fierce sports and recreational sailing - in addition to efforts to preserve historically valuable technical works for future generations - in fact the main reason for keeping them in serviceable condition. This could be documented, in particular the old British canals. The same impulses occur in our country for decades, a gradual renewal of dilapidated and unused Bata canal or completion of Vltava waterway to Ceske Budejovice.

Čilý plavební ruch v plavební komoře Hardewijk v Nizozemsku

Locking of sailboats and motor yachts in the lock Harderwijk in Holland


  2. Cabin boats 

Very popular are the vessels offered cabin comfort more hotel categories. K their facilities are not only stylish restaurants and bars, as well as seeing the sun deck, saunas and swimming pools. Their importance is increasing in recent years, and it should not happen on the route of the Rhine-Main-Danube from Rotterdam to Budapest, or further upstream of the Danube. It offers not only landscapes, but also visits to historic cities and monuments. It is not difficult to imagine driving trip from Vienna and Bratislava to the north, or in Wroclaw and in Berlin, with stops between South Moravian vineyards, near the river meanders preserved in Strážnická Morava, in Kromeriz, Olomouc, boundaries, spa Teplice nad Becvou, Ostrava and other attractive places.

Kajutová loď Flamenco na Dunaji

A hotel part of the newest cabin cruisers of Twin Cruiser class can be detached from its engine unit, which is in fact a push boat. E.g. the cruiser Flamenco, 135 m long and 114.40 m wide, sleeps 172 to 196 people, and reaches the speed of 22 km/h. Its dimensions and the fixed point height (6 m) is tailored for the waterways of the D-O-E connection.



Very favorable conditions for development is in connection with the construction of canals cycling. Handling paths along the banks are the sought-after routes for cyclists. Those providing a quiet and safe travel in a comfortable environment, because nowhere does not interfere with busy roads, and motor vehicle access to them is strictly prohibited. Trails along the Rhine-Main-Danube Canal is perhaps the busiest cycle routes in Germany and prompted the development of downstream activities in the field of catering, hotel services and rental bikes.

Stezky na břehu D-O-L budou moci sloužit jako atraktivní cyklistické trasy. Na snímku průplav Rýn-Mohan-Dunaj. 

Trails along the Main–Danube Canal, originally intended for the canal management service vehicles, have become sought-after cycling routes as cyclists may test their abilities in a competition with passing vessels.



The activities, which are on the border between economic exploitation and the sport is sport fishing. His options for canals are at least equal to the rivers. On the Main-Danube Canal in Nuremberg, ie heavily urbanized landscape, where the waterway entirely artificial character, were accurately recorded catch of sport fishermen and compared with the plastic handle of suitable fish - in particular, zander, pike and eels. If we convert these additions to the fish, comes about 80 kg / ha per year. True, especially fertile and intensively cultivated ponds and give the proceeds, expressed in hundreds of kg / ha per year, but does not lower ponds or 100 kg / ha per year. Fish production at least partially replaced the loss of agricultural production on land occupied by construction of the canal. At least it is further clear evidence that the canals are not even any "drains" or stagnant tanks are "stagnant" water. Construction of new sections of the DOE corridor would be significantly expanded fishing ground. And about 50 km2 of new ponds for angling, which can be used for intensive fish farming. And so the entire waterway through the good quality of water and many fish species become one of the popular recreational fishing locations in the country.

Rybář na průplavu ve Francii

Fishing on the waterway in France


Living next to water and on the water 

In connection with considerations of land use along the DOE corridor in Austria was an architectural study of the development of "living on the water surface. This proposal envisages the construction of colonial houses with their own access to the water, and above-standard equipment with its own garage for boat or yacht or mooring. This is not a fantasy: and along the Main-Danube Canal has created a colony houses benefiting from a favorable microclimate at the surface without the risk of occasional flooding, which would threaten the river banks. We could give examples from the Dutch canals. There is also in our country is already quite widespread in living houseboat.

Projekt bydlení u vodního koridoru D-O-L od rakouských architektů.

A project of canal-side housing designed by Austrian architects

Bydlení na vodě - kanadská jezera 

Living on the water - a Canadian lake